This is what I do when I'm putting off finishing up the things I NEED to be getting done: try something fun and not on the 'to do' list. I have a couple of baby mini albums (one is chipboard and one is an 8 x 8 standard album ) that I'm mostly and halfway done with, and for the moment, those are what sat at me forlornly while I played with this: a coffee sleeve mini book. I used a Starbuck's coffee sleeve- those little sleeves they offer so you don't burn your fingers holding your expensive but yummy coffees etc. I came upon this idea from a group on Cafemom, and a "how-to" was featured from YouTube. The challenge was given to come up with something more than the gal's basic version. On the YouTube version, she didn't cover the sleeve with paper, she just traced the outline of it and made an inside page- put a little picture on it , and a sticker on the cover, still showing the Starbuck's logo... I had seen this once before and again thought: You could do SO much more than that with it! On the first one I've done, I did Scripture verses because I'm giving it to my neighbor's mom in the hospital. I want to try some with coffee, chocolate, friendship type quotes too- I think that would be really fun. You could even do a mother quote book too. I only did 2 inside pages because it really doesn't fit well with more than that, and I did have to cut the inside and outside cover at the fold so it would look right when I glued it on. The little "binding" cover with the scallops was a thought to just cover the cardboard that showed still when it was closed, and to also give a little more support. Now that I look at it, I could have done more, but I'm satisfied for the first time I've done it. A couple of the pictures might show some smearing because I didn't Stickle the flourishes on the pages before I put the book together (bad choice- because it smeared against the adjoining page... ), I have since rectified that by re-printing out the verses for those pages and it looks considerably better. - Have I mentioned that I've determined that I'm an uptight scrapper?! :) Anyhow, thanks to Diane in Sassy Scrappin Sistahs in CM to give me a nudge to try this :)
This is so dang cute. I have a ton of starbucks sleeve just waiting to be dolled up.