Saturday, February 12, 2011

Perpetual Calendar/Dates to Remember Calendar

This is a craft we made for MOPS recently. I typed up as best I could each month with all of the days without taking up an entire sheet of paper. The measurements for these were 8 1/2 x 8 inches. For basic decoration, I cut strips of scrapbooking paper to fit and tied ribbon around the paper to add a bit more 3 dimensional feature to it. We used book rings to hold the calendar together. This is one of those calendars for birthdays and anniversaries that keeps them all in one place, where you don't have to re-write each year in a calendar. This would be very handy for me because I continually ask the same people what day their birthday is each year- I remember the month, but not the exact day. I always plan to write it down too, but don't, so I feel like a flake each year. You could decorate these however you want- even use different colored cardstock. We just did a basic version because of the size of the group and time allowed for the craft. I found the idea on a MOPS forum for Creative Activities. This is just how mine ended up looking...

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